The Journey of a Stray Bullet

 The Journey of a Stray Bullet

The stray bullet heads towards its target. Its intention is to pierce. To wound. To kill. There is no way to justify its path. It always travels straight towards its goal. It will not deviate.
Aim. Fire. The bullet is released. And in a surreal time loop, the pain of piercing the victim’s heart repeats over and over. The relativity of time. That bullet. It lingers. You can count the centuries it takes to pass through your heart. Your soul.

You know that at the end of the road, you will most likely die. But you already want it to be over. You don’t want to be a spectator of your own death. You would rather cry for the death of others. But instead, the gift life gives you is to witness your departure, your exit from this world. Second by second. The longest seconds in the universe.

You wonder while you wait. What happened? What did I do to deserve this spectacle of death? Pain? And loss? Where was mercy when you needed your dose? Every millimeter of advance in your flesh is a century of memories of happy moments. What if…  Maybe if I… Of what would have happened if… But you know that this no longer matters.

With your last breath, the pain will also leave. You will feel nothing. But your brain will still take 10 minutes to receive the information from your body. Recognizing the organs that are shutting down one by one.

 Already prepared to die. You close your eyes and give the Soul some privacy. So it can say goodbye, in peace, to the body that was once its home.

For all those going through depression. There is always a light. Never stop chasing it. Or you will never return from the tunnel


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