
You laugh, my son, at nothing, at everything, And I wonder. Where are you, my son, when I need you here? Where is that incredibly pure consciousness, That breaks TVs and draws on walls? What do I do with your heart, to make sure, That Papa loves you madly? That I would give everything, my life. My consciousness… So that yours is there, when I look at you. I want to see you, my son. Not just sometimes. I want to see myself reflected in your beautiful eyes. As if looking at my soul. Know that Papa sees you. I feel you, my little one. I feel you through the void. Through the absence of your words. I know you live in an Odyssey. I know you fight with your barriers. I see you battling your demons. Every day. When you get frustrated. When you don’t understand what you feel, And your body finds relief in “Jumping.” I know, it is not and will not be easy. I know you didn’t ask to be born this way. Even though it’s all you know. You distance yourself from what is different Because you are...