


Oh, Malevolent One. I’ve seen you so many times. In dreams and in real life. I’ve witnessed your enjoyment of victories, and your devouring of lives, families, and entire nations. You savor the blood and juices of your victims. This is your prime moment; you feel secure in your triumph. You know you’re powerful.

You’ve taken countless souls—some belonging to good people. They believed that a simple deviation from the path would lead them faster to their goals, dreams, happiness, and desires. Poor souls—they burn in the agony of your embrace within your realm. And yet, even in this world, you relish watching them burn.

You are merciless. Mothers, grandmothers, children, fathers—it matters not to you. You take them with cancer, accidents, degenerative diseases, and mental afflictions. You plant bombs, violate innocence, make pacts to defy aging, and consume the flesh of innocents—all while reveling in their suffering. Poor souls—they will die just the same. They may appear more graceful and beautiful, but worms will consume them equally. And there you are, enjoying your inferno right here on our beloved Earth.

Why the children? Why the innocent? Have the courage to target only those who choose you—those who vote for you, who prefer you at the polls. But no, you won’t do that because you’re cruel and cowardly. The power you wield breeds cowardice. You’re mighty now; I wonder what you’ll do when that power slips away?

I wonder why you delight in destroying what was once beautiful and perfect. Your mediocrity drives you to create destruction from the creative work of others. You’re pitiable.

Why the children? Why possess them?

I saw you as I grew up—in the blood on my neighborhood’s streets, in lifeless bodies at dawn. I saw you within my family. You attacked many and took only a few—but in the process, you caused immense harm. You made countless suffer, cry, and endure sleepless nights.

Know that I recognize your presence; I see your actions in subtle signs and less subtle ones. I speak of you to those who cannot perceive you—I don’t want you to go unnoticed. People should know your plan and why you do what you do. You’re evil; compassion eludes you. Your lust for power blinded you.

Your audacity extends to actively attacking my home, my family, and my life. Yet I never imagined you’d use a child to signal your presence to me. You’re not all-powerful; your days are numbered as you rush to destroy all that lies within your reach.

Enjoy it while it lasts; your final days will come, and then you’ll remember that even you were once part of creation.

Shame awaits—but it will be too late for you.


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