Autistic, Autism, Adults 1.1

                                                        "Why do you do it"?

Many of us are discovered and called strange, different, that we do not fit. Others, bravely decide one day to embrace the bliss of being "Non-Typical", and go out into the wild-world shouting their differences. Regardless of who may like it. The latter is the first to go to the "Social Guillotine". Or to the pedestal of recognition for their  "Courage". They say it feels good. I don't know ..... It's very scary. But one day, simply, and discreetly, with fear, you let it be seen. You let others see the "Rainbow" that emanates from you. You let them see your colors, your lights, and your shadows. And you just hope they accept you. But you always ask yourself, will they believe me? Will they understand all the hard work I've been through to get past by a normal person? They will know that it is not easy not to ask and analyze all the time, what are others thinking of me? What is on their minds? If you have the ability to psychoanalysis, try to read their expressions, tones of voice, and body language. You consume yourself in understanding, just hoping to be "Understood." You hide your voice, as long as you "please" and they take you out of sight. You care what they think of you. Even if you say proudly, "I am good with myself" or "I am happy as I am"

                                                             "Lie lie"

We develop the ability to act. We, Those of us who are lucky enough to go unnoticed, are highly trained for acting. We hide our face, the true one, from everyone. We don't want to be discovered. Feeling vulnerable. Weak before unscrupulous people who use your differences to excuse their mediocrity and evil. "You see it that way because of your condition", "You feel like that because of your Autism," they tell you. And in the worst case, you realize that they only let the situation go by thinking that you do not realize it. As if instead of "Autistic you were an animal. Without awareness of the environment, without an idea of ​​what social iteration is, or the meaning of their words. Poor," They ", Those who underestimate us. If we get to this point to be able to express ourselves, have a career or more than one. Family in many cases.And many other talents. It is because we entered the so-called "High Functioning Autism". But, "We Play The Game", "We Follow the Game" so as not to enter into discord. Or that under the supposed poster of disability they frame us in a type of life to which we do not want to belong.

                                                            "Set Willy free "

Everyone remembers the movie about the whale that in the end got be free. Each one of us only wants that, "Freedom" The possibility of being "Rare" without the need of thinking that we are being, because we do not care what they will say. So "Rare" is meaningless. Life as it is and as we should live it, being ourselves and enjoying the differences in harmony. Contributing and receiving from society. Being recognized without the last name "Autista". Only by our ability or not. And yes, many of us go unnoticed in the world because we learned to mix well. But there are many others, "Angels", people of Light, who have not yet come out of the "Closet", or in worse cases, who have not yet come out of the cage of their own Brain. Because they can't, they don't know-how. That their interaction with the environment that surrounds them is little or none, that they are considered intellectually disabled, but that I, we, the sensitive, the different, the good-hearted people consider them "Masters in the Art of loving others, of touching the Soul "For those, we have to be strong and break the chains that we and society put on ourselves. For them mainly, and for us, we must be brave, and "Get out of the Closet"


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