
Showing posts from November, 2021

Autistic, Autism, Adults 1.1

                                                        "Why do you do it"? Many of us are discovered and called strange, different, that we do not fit. Others, bravely decide one day to embrace the bliss of being "Non-Typical", and go out into the wild-world shouting their differences. Regardless of who may like it. The latter is the first to go to the "Social Guillotine". Or to the pedestal of recognition for their  "Courage". They say it feels good. I don't know ..... It's very scary. But one day, simply, and discreetly, with fear, you let it be seen. You let others see the "Rainbow" that emanates from you. You let them see your colors, your lights, and your shadows. And you just hope they accept you. But you always ask yourself, will they believe me? Will they understand all the hard work I've been through to get past by a normal person? Th...

" La Oscuridad"

                                                      ¿Cómo encontré la oscuridad? En la búsqueda constante del más allá, a veces chocamos con el aquí y ahora. Probamos todo tipo de hechizos, los que nos dicen, los que dicen que probaron, y finalmente los que ya nos conocemos, tratamos de creer que somos dueños de nuestro destino. Jugamos a ser Dios. Y en nuestra mente finita, a veces creamos realidades paralelas que nos hacen sentir poderosos, temerosos, a punto de llegar al cielo o al infierno, a punto de pasar a otro estado energético, a otro estado de la materia, a punto de dejar, este cuerpo de carne, y convertirse en gusanos y energía. Olvidamos que fuimos creados perfectos y en esa misma búsqueda fallamos. Llegamos a menos. No fuimos suficientes para la prueba que nos dieron. Pero aun así, nuestra soberbia y desprecio por la misericordia y el don...

"The Dark "

How did I find the dark? In the constant search for the hereafter, sometimes we collide with the here and now. We try all kinds of spells, those that they tell us, those that they say they tried, and finally those that we already know ourselves, We try to believe that we are masters of our destiny. We play God. And in our finite mind, we sometimes create parallel realities that make us feel powerful, fearful, about to reach heaven, or hell, about to move to another energy state, to another state of matter, about to leave, this body of meat, and become worms, and energy. We forget that we were created perfect and in that same search we failed. We came to less. We were not enough for the test that we were given. But even so, our arrogance and contempt for mercy and the gift of life, make us try again and day after day. Many will say that curiosity is not bad. No, it is not. Curiosity with intelligence is very good. It leads to development. Not so curiosity with the arrogance of stupidity...