"Autism , Autistic, Adults"

                                                                Autism in Adults.

 You don't look "autistic".  But you are "Autistic"? . However you speak normally, can make eye contact during a conversation. Provide for your family and are a successful/productive member of society. Where do you get autism?  If you hadn't been diagnosed with Autism, there would be no difference between you and a '"Normal" person on paper. If you have not been diagnosed then you are not ...

The joy and misfortune of having high-functioning Autism as an adult is the ability to understand and draw from our own experiences and those of others from a unique perspective The scrutiny imposed on ourselves, by society and ourselves, is unforgiving of our differences.  In a world where living in a school environment warrants 'normal'/'typical' behavior, differences become difficulties Society labels some as 'Special'.  They are simply indecipherable to the average, "Normal", person.  This often results in rejection/pity and complete misunderstanding.

                                                              High Functioning 

Many of the differences are marked by so-called, "High Functioning Autism."  In other words; the brain may be seen as a "2.0" version. In other words, are we perhaps a "Pro" version ??? However, communicating efficiently, having a higher than average IQ, maintaining professional careers, and families don't automatically 'fix' the "not pretty" side of the condition.  'Autism Spectrum Disorder', is a seemingly infinite mix of behavior variables, perceptive differences, sensations, senses, and cognitive capacities.  This doesn't automatically make people on the spectrum "pro-versions" or well-adjusted people.

                                           According to Mr. Google.Definition of Autism

"Psychological disorder that is characterized by the intense concentration of a person in his inner world and the progressive loss of contact with the outer reality"

                                                                     I don't see this.

I know many people within the Spectrum who are highly sociable. They were children with autism, and  today they are adults with dreams, families, jobs, and "Autism." Yet they struggle every day to pass through the filter of society. A society that does not understand the fish that does not fit the school. People who see, hear, and perceives in an almost supernatural way.  Honest people, often, to a fault, without lies or kinks. People who are perfectionists and try to always be the best that they can be in their world, whether at work, at home, or in the family.

                                                                      I am "Autistic"

I just came out of the psychological closet. I bare my self, my misery, my hunger to understand and be understood. My heart accepts, and it only wants to be accepted.

Author: Felix M.P . Cuza 

Thank you Rudra Vikram Jalem for your collaboration


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